Worship Information
Let's Gather for Worship on Sundays at 10am
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Sunday worship services are at 10:00 a.m. in the historic Sayles Memorial Chapel. You may enter through any door and easily find your way to the sanctuary. There is a ramp for easy access in the back of the building. The entrance to the back lot is on the Comstock Street side of the building. There is a handicapped accessible Rest Room located in Fellowship Hall which is on the same level as our sanctuary.
The service lasts approximately one hour. When you arrive, someone will greet you and can help you find a seat. They will answer any questions. If you have children, you may ask them for information about the Nursery or the Church School program.
On the first Sunday of each month, Holy Communion is part of our service. Most Communion Sundays we are served the pieces of bread and small cups of unfermented wine in our seats. There is a gluten-free option. Just ask the person serving. On some special occasions we go forward in a line to receive these items. Everyone is welcome to participate in the taking of communion. However, if you choose not to you can just pass the tray or remain in your seat.
Visitors are sometimes concerned about what to wear to worship services. We welcome you in the clothing that you are most comfortable wearing. Some men wear jackets, slacks and ties; others are more comfortable in pants and a shirt. Some women wear dresses, but just as many wear slacks. We ask that you dress in a way that is comfortable to you and also respectful of others.
Special Services
Special services are held at various times during the year to mark a special day on the religious calendar or when a unique need arises. Special days include Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday (or Holy Thursday), Good Friday and Christmas Eve.
Baptisms – People of all ages may request baptism. Churches of our faith and order do baptize infants. For more information or to arrange for a baptism, please contact the Pastor to discuss your wishes.
Weddings – Church members have preference when scheduling weddings. We will do our best to accommodate requests for specific dates. This should be done at the earliest possible moment. Please contact the Church Office for more more information and to schedule an initial meeting with the Pastor.
Funerals and Memorial Services – These services are personalized in order to meet the needs of the family. Please contact the Pastor to do advance planning or as soon as the need arises.